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Coming Soon: “Extraction”

Coming Soon: “Extraction” published on

Sorry for the long radio silence (you can just blame 2020 in general), but I will be posting new Valley of the Silk Sky comics soon!

I’m currently finishing up the colors on “Extraction,” a VotSS short story that originally appeared in black & white in the Monster Journey anthology a couple of years ago.

Now that the rights have reverted, I’ve been working on colorizing my original b&w art and prepping the comic for dispersal upon the web. I’m just about done with the pages (a few minor edits left), so I’m gonna start running the story next week. $1+ Patrons will see new pages on Mondays, starting January 11, while the general public will get ’em on Thursdays, starting on January 14.

So! See you next week!



The Long Run page 110 is comin’ round the mountain

The Long Run page 110 is comin’ round the mountain published on

Let us see what appears in the distance:

This was my go-to page for posting work-in-progress images for my $1+ Patrons (you can find those posts herehere, and here). So if you enjoy that kind of thing and can spare a dollar a month, consider becoming a Patron!

If you’re thinking that landscape looks kinda familiar but you’re not sure why, you may wish to review Chapter 9. Could be relevant, I dunno ….



The Long Run Chapter 12 commences shortly

The Long Run Chapter 12 commences shortly published on

Just a quick update to note that The Long Run chapter 12 is complete, and will commence publication soon!

$1+ Patrons will start seeing pages on Monday, July 20th, while the general public will peep ’em starting on Thursday, July 23rd. As per usual, I’ll post a page a week on Mondays for Patrons, Thursdays for the public.

This chapter introduces two new characters: Ujo [tol, fursona is a capybara] and Tyv [smol, fursona is a bag of raccoons]. As for what they’re up to, well, you’ll find out soon enough.



The Long Run Chapter 11 concludes!

The Long Run Chapter 11 concludes! published on

Page 105 marks the finale of chapter 11, and you can find it here:

For those of you who like to wait until a chapter is complete to dig in, you can find the whole of Chapter 11 here.

So, what’s next, you ask? I am even now working on Chapter 12: the whole thing is thumbnailed, and I’ve got the first page penciled. 

Whilst we wait for me to get the rest of it penciled, inked, colored, scanned, and lettered, I’ll be running some concept art, character design, and work-in-progress posts for $1+ Patrons. If you want in on that, hit up my Patreon.

As far as my convention schedule goes, TCAF has now officially canceled their 2020 festival. Other emails coming in indicate other shows are still weighing how they want to proceed: postponement? full cancellation?

Again, conventions account for about half my income, so this is grim news on the financial front. If you’d like to help support my work during these trying times, here are some options:

Valley of the Silk Sky book collections are here:

Other books by me are here :

Feeping Creatures monster art is here:

You might also consider signing up for my Patreon if you have a couple bucks a month to spare. This ends up being kinda like a “paycheck” for me, and makes it easier to predict my income month-to-month.

Patreon is here:

Thanks for reading! Back to working on Chapter 12 for me.



The Long Run page 101 is lots of fun

The Long Run page 101 is lots of fun published on

I mean it, really! Just take a look here:

I talk about some of the thought process behind this page over my my Patreon, should such a thing be of interest to you.

TL;DR, characters are squirrelly creatures, and often the only way I can pin them down is by drawing them and actually seeing with my own eyes what they’re all about.

Speaking of which, I was going to work on the thumbnails for chapter 12, but it has two new characters in it, and I had to figure out what they looked like. The act of drawing them caused me to learn a bunch of stuff about them that changed aspects of the script, so it’s a good thing I didn’t thumbnail yet, y’see?

ANYWAY. See you next week for more of Chapter 11!



Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run progress report

Valley of the Silk Sky: The Long Run progress report published on
Valley of the Silk Sky work in progress pencils

Just thought you might like to know I finished penciling Chapter 11 of The Long Run last night, so I am, in actual fact, shambling slowly towards new material.

If you want to keep apprised of developments and see work-in-progress images like this one of Hali, $1+ subscribers to my Patreon get the goods.

Now it’s on to inking and coloring. Once it’s closer to finished I’ll let you know when I expect to start posting new pages.

In the meanwhile, I’ve been posting new non-VotSS comics elsewhere, so if you’re in the market for reading material you might want to check out this autobio comic I did about going to a heavy metal show in Japan. There will be 5 pages in all, with a new page posted each day.

Anyhow, prepare yourself for the imminent arrival of Part 3 and Chapter 11!



“Medicine; Run” page 13 calls for unrestrained panic

“Medicine; Run” page 13 calls for unrestrained panic published on

“Medicine; Run” page 13 is up, and you can read it here if you dare:

That Patreon post includes a section on protected species and poaching in the Valley, should you wish to nerd out a bit with some world-building.

Otherwise, see you in a week for the NEXT EXCITING PAGE.



“Medicine; Run” page 10 sneaks by

“Medicine; Run” page 10 sneaks by published on
Valley of the Silk Sky - queer YA sci-fi webcomic

Valley of the Silk Sky: “Medicine; Run” page 10 is posting on a holiday in hopes you won’t notice, and will therefore fail to devour it whole. Here are the places where you should definitely not look for it:

Also, if you’re wondering why Razi keeps looking over xer glasses like that, this public Patreon post has answers for you.

Also: have I mentioned I’ll be at San Diego Comic Con? Well, I will. You can find me with Stacked Deck Press at table L-06 in Small Press.

I’ll also be on a panel, but I don’t have all the deets yet, so I’ll post more about that later on.

Okay? Okay! See you next week.

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