Page 105 marks the finale of chapter 11, and you can find it here:
For those of you who like to wait until a chapter is complete to dig in, you can find the whole of Chapter 11 here.
So, what’s next, you ask? I am even now working on Chapter 12: the whole thing is thumbnailed, and I’ve got the first page penciled.
Whilst we wait for me to get the rest of it penciled, inked, colored, scanned, and lettered, I’ll be running some concept art, character design, and work-in-progress posts for $1+ Patrons. If you want in on that, hit up my Patreon.
As far as my convention schedule goes, TCAF has now officially canceled their 2020 festival. Other emails coming in indicate other shows are still weighing how they want to proceed: postponement? full cancellation?
Again, conventions account for about half my income, so this is grim news on the financial front. If you’d like to help support my work during these trying times, here are some options:
Valley of the Silk Sky book collections are here:
Other books by me are here :
Feeping Creatures monster art is here:
You might also consider signing up for my Patreon if you have a couple bucks a month to spare. This ends up being kinda like a “paycheck” for me, and makes it easier to predict my income month-to-month.
Patreon is here:
Thanks for reading! Back to working on Chapter 12 for me.