Just thought you might like to know I finished penciling Chapter 11 of The Long Run last night, so I am, in actual fact, shambling slowly towards new material.
If you want to keep apprised of developments and see work-in-progress images like this one of Hali, $1+ subscribers to my Patreon get the goods.
Now it’s on to inking and coloring. Once it’s closer to finished I’ll let you know when I expect to start posting new pages.
In the meanwhile, I’ve been posting new non-VotSS comics elsewhere, so if you’re in the market for reading material you might want to check out this autobio comic I did about going to a heavy metal show in Japan. There will be 5 pages in all, with a new page posted each day.
Anyhow, prepare yourself for the imminent arrival of Part 3 and Chapter 11!