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Coming Soon! The Long Run Chapter 11

Coming Soon! The Long Run Chapter 11 published on

I have officially settled on a date for the commencement of Chapter 11, and that date is January 16, 2020.


At the moment I have about a page and a half left to color, and then it all needs to be cleaned up and lettered. And no, it probably won’t take a whole month to do all that, but I don’t expect people will be paying much attention during the holidays, so no real point in rushing to get it out during a fallow time for internet content.

Also, I first started running the webcomic edition of Valley of the Silk Sky on January 14, 2015, so it seems fitting to hit as close to the 5-year anniversary as possible.

And yeah, I definitely thought I’d be done with the whole thing by now when I first began publishing this story, but life happens and things always take longer than they should. I’m also just really, really slow, ha ha.

ANYWAY. January 16. See you then!



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