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“Extraction” page 9 bravely runs away

“Extraction” page 9 bravely runs away published on

Thrill to the exciting conclusion of this ridiculous tale. The final installment is to be found here:

Which means, yes, you can now read the entire story in a single sitting. To do so, place your eyeballs here.

Also, don’t forget I’ll be participating in a virtual queer media convention March 12-14. Rainbow Space Magic Con is happening this very weekend, and will have even more queer SFF for you. Attendance is free!



“Extraction” page 8 has launched

“Extraction” page 8 has launched published on

The time has come to unleash the full power of SCIENCE:

I suppose we’ll find out next week whether or not SCIENCE is up to the task!

On an entirely different subject, I’ll be participating in a virtual queer media convention March 12-14. If that sound like your jam, check out the Rainbow Space Magic Con website for more information. Attendance is free!



The Long Run Chapter 11 concludes!

The Long Run Chapter 11 concludes! published on

Page 105 marks the finale of chapter 11, and you can find it here:

For those of you who like to wait until a chapter is complete to dig in, you can find the whole of Chapter 11 here.

So, what’s next, you ask? I am even now working on Chapter 12: the whole thing is thumbnailed, and I’ve got the first page penciled. 

Whilst we wait for me to get the rest of it penciled, inked, colored, scanned, and lettered, I’ll be running some concept art, character design, and work-in-progress posts for $1+ Patrons. If you want in on that, hit up my Patreon.

As far as my convention schedule goes, TCAF has now officially canceled their 2020 festival. Other emails coming in indicate other shows are still weighing how they want to proceed: postponement? full cancellation?

Again, conventions account for about half my income, so this is grim news on the financial front. If you’d like to help support my work during these trying times, here are some options:

Valley of the Silk Sky book collections are here:

Other books by me are here :

Feeping Creatures monster art is here:

You might also consider signing up for my Patreon if you have a couple bucks a month to spare. This ends up being kinda like a “paycheck” for me, and makes it easier to predict my income month-to-month.

Patreon is here:

Thanks for reading! Back to working on Chapter 12 for me.



The Long Run page 104 has entered the room, and a word about my convention schedule

The Long Run page 104 has entered the room, and a word about my convention schedule published on
Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi webcomic

Greet this new page, won’t you:

So, regarding conventions:

An event I was supposed to table at this weekend was just canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. I think they made the correct decision, but it does represent a financial hit for me that I have no way to recoup.

I strongly suspect this is only the first of many event cancellations to come (and, again, I think cancelling is probably the right move). I make about half my income from conventions, so right at this moment I’m staring down a pretty disastrous year. If you’ve considered buying books (Gumroad sales get the money to me the fastest) or monster merch from me, now is a great time to do so.

Valley of the Silk Sky book collections are here:

Other books by me are here :

Monsters are here:

You might also consider signing up for my Patreon if you have a couple bucks a month to spare. This ends up being kinda like a “paycheck” for me, and makes it easier to predict my income month-to-month.

Patreon is here:

Thank you, and please feel free to share these links with anyone you think might be interested!



“Medicine; Run” page 5 emerges, Denver Pop Culture Con commences

“Medicine; Run” page 5 emerges, Denver Pop Culture Con commences published on
Valley of the Silk Sky queer YA sci-fi comic

Yes indeed, page 5 is now available for you to peep in these fine places:

And yes, I will be at Denver Pop Culture Con this weekend, May 31 – June 2!

You can find me at table Y3 in Artist Valley, selling my comics and art and whatnot.

On Sunday, June 2 I’ll be on this fine panel:

ED112 – Inclusive Comics 101: Or, Comics for the Rest of Us – 1:30 PM – 2:20 PM in the Happy Harbor room

If you’re going to be at the show, be sure to check it out!

Medicine; Run page 4, and WisCon goings on

Medicine; Run page 4, and WisCon goings on published on

The webcomic edition of “Medicine; Run” continues! Read page 4:

This page has a couple of minor changes from the version that was published in the Beyond Anthology. If you wanna nerd out about the differences, check out this Patreon post.

As mentioned in the headline, I will be at WisCon once again this year. Join us in Madison, WI from May 24 to May 27 for feminist sci-fi fun!

I’ll mostly be camped out in the dealer’s room, where you can snag books and art from me, but I’ll also have a panel and a reading:

So if you’re going to be at the show, come to those things!

DiNK approaches! Medicine; Run Mini is almost done!

DiNK approaches! Medicine; Run Mini is almost done! published on
Valley of the Silk Sky - Medicine Run - minicomic cover

DiNK is barreling towards us at an alarming clip. I’ll be at table 372 on the third floor for all your comic purchasing needs. (Or some of your needs; presumably you’ll buy comics from other people as well.)

I will have copies of the brand new Valley of the Silk Sky minicomic: the remastered edition of “Medicine; Run” (which originally appeared in the Beyond Anthology), now in color and with several dialogue changes to make the thing more canon. For those of you unable to attend DiNK, I’ll also make the mini available for sale in my Gumroad store once it’s ready.

I am also going to be on three (3!) panels:

  • Saturday, April 13 – 12:30 PM – PLZ RT <3: What Social Media Means for Cartoonists
  • Saturday, April 13 – 3:45 PM – Worldbuilding Across All Mediums of Narrative Story Telling
  • Sunday, April 14 – 4:30 PM – Navigating & Redressing Toxic Masculinity

I will ALSO ALSO have a limited number of copies of Monster Journey, the all trans masc anthology with a brang new Valley of the Silk Sky story (“Extraction”) what has never been seen before by human eyes.

Anyhow, yes. I’ll repeat a bunch of this next week as a reminder, but PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR DINK.

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